WoW – Ding.

I have no idea what happened to this post. I don’t know why it was blank.

WoWScrnShot_030118_053722Mabaho is 100.

I’ve purchased the Legion and Battle for Azeroth double pack. This gets me a 100 boost and a 110 boost, but no collectors pets or mounts. To be honest, that doesn’t bother me. And as I don’t play Starcraft, Diablo, Overwatch and have only dabbled in Hearthstone, the other add-ons are not of interest either.

Besides I’m still waiting for my 2 seat mount from RaF.

I haven’t used the boosts, but at this point, I’m waiting to see how far Mini Mab and I get.



WoW – RaF

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I decided to RaF to my daughter’s trial account partly as it seemed the easiest way to get us a 2-seat mount. This all went through without any trouble, although it did set her up with a second WoW Trial account (that’s annoying, but no loss as she didn’t have a toon over 10 in the other one).  We both started a Panda (as she wanted to do that, and I’d never done it either).  I started a Monk as it was new and she has started a Priest.

The levelling was fast working together and with RaF active providing even more bonuses. We were almost 17 by the time we made the choice for Horde and headed over to Org instead of about 13.  Just before she hit 20 I subscribed her so we could keep playing. This will also activate my bonuses once the 30 days free time is expired.

Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 10.49.55 pm.pngWe also ran RFC and SFK with LFG. Both times the three others were clearly overgeared (with heirlooms etc) as they proceeded to tank multiple groups at a time. All a bit confusing for my daughter though. As a priest (but mostly damage at this stage) she kept running into melee range or getting lost. I think that meant her damage output was quite low (plus neither of us are in heirloom), which I think is why she was kicked in the SFK run, before I could let them know that it was a young player on her 2 ever dungeon. Bit rude I thought, it’s not like the group was struggling. I left the group as well. I had been coaching her, but still it’s confusing your first few runs, especially if someone is basically running you through it (the tanks and heals were just blitzing these runs) without stopping to talk or any need to strategise.

Anyway, she’s enjoying it and I’m enjoying being resubbed as well. May is about 99.5 now from 96 a week ago. But OMG the requirements to activate flying in WoD are ridiculous. Still it will shortly be time to buy this new Legion expac I’ve heard about and level to 110…. 😉

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WoW – Stayin Alive!


OMG, I died about 6 or 8 times tonight. Any group larger than 3 and I’m throwing my life (and repair gold) away. These quests are killing me, literally. For example,  I have to kill a large worm in a cavern (up on Frost??? Ridge) and it has about 4 adds around it. Nope.

Then there’s this guy that I didn’t even attempt. He’s only 1 level above me, but there are 6 adds in the vicinity and a wandering three that may get involve. And he probably hits like a brick on his own…

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So I’m getting a bit sick of dying. It’s almost like the bad old days when I first launched into Burning Crusade.

Now I know my gear isn’t great. I reckon I need to relearn more about my rotation. Those will help. Also, don’t run back into the fight when you’re suffering res sickness, there’s an old tip I had forgotten.

On the plus side I’ve actually used my Hex spell a few times. It helps. A little.

WoW – Back into it

Screen Shot 2018-02-18 at 10.47.54 am.pngSo I have resubed, again. I think this is about the third break I have taken from the game, and by far the longest. In October 2016, Mabaho was 96 and not yet finished through Warlords of Draenor. Now it’s February 2018 and we saw the announcement (earlier) of the expac following Legion, which I have not played at all.

Motivated by the eldest Mini Mab, Miss 10, I have been playing with her, supporting her interest in the game. This resub is also enabled by the new iMac being able to support the  game for more than 2 minutes.

WoWScrnShot_021618_203204.jpegThere have been a lot of changes to Mabaho, in rotation and effectiveness. I suddenly feel vulnerable questing, which I haven’t for some time. I can take 1 mob, but 2 troubles me if I don’t get a handle on them. Healing seems almost ineffective as a Enhance Shaman, even self healing. Mana is less important than the new …. err can’t even remember what it’s called.

Spells have changed, that took some sorting.

I’ve also installed a bank in my Garrison which has been nice. I waited a little bit to sort through the bags and bank, finding a Reagents Bank tab that I don’t remember. I also need to investigate some things I’ve never really been sure of, now that we have the collections menu.

Do I need to hold on to stuff just to be able to transmog it? Pets, Mounts and Toys I know I can click on and learn and they disappear usually. But what if they don’t, should I hold them?

Screen Shot 2018-02-18 at 10.49.31 am.pngThis idea of scaling has me sort of happy. I can run Pumatay with Miss 10’s toons and get xp. But does that mean that Mabaho can quest anywhere in Draenor and the enemy will be a challenge?

So my broad plan is this.

  • Grind Mabaho up to 100. He’s up to 97.5 now
  • Let Miss 10 explore toons as she feels up to and let her pick one. At the moment she is leaning towards a druid. Mess about with some other new toons supporting her (though Pumatay can do this as well). I currently have a lvl 12 Druid partying up with her lvl 12 Hunter.
  • Once decided, purchase Legion for both of us, and use the 100 boost to bring up her toon and a complementary toon from my stable, such as bringing a Healer if she picks a DPS/Tank, picking a Tank/DPS if she picks a Healer, or I guess, two DPS is a viable option, certainly for questing.
  • If Mabaho is to be run through it, then I would likely bring up Magdasal. Maybe switch between the two, running Das when she’s trying to run dungeons and run Mab when questing.
  • Run through Legion together. Up to 110.
  • Purchase the next expac and raise up another toon for each of us. I would probably look at Pumatay (finally) at this point. Now We should have 2 toons each at 110 (Mabaho/Magdasal and Pumatay), and I will have another 90 (Mabango) and another at 100 (Magdasal) or poor Pumatay still at 57….

Seems like a pretty good plan don’t you think? Is it best use of our character level boosts?

Would Miss 10 be better off levelling all the way from 0-110? I don’t really think so, it would be so unmotivating I think.

More Questing

Plugging away at the questing tonight. It is interesting seeing the differences between Outlands and Dreanor. The destruction (I assume it was something the Dark Portal or whatever) was pretty massive.

Looks like the Spires of Arak (sp?) disappeared altogether.  Obvously, Zanger Sea became the Marsh. Frost ridge became Blade’s Edge etc. Arch and Shat look pretty impressive. Haven’t got into either though.

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These guys are pretty cool looking. Their animation is nice too.

So I managed about 25% into 95.

Then it’s back to the Garrison to be ready for tomorrow.

WoW – 95

Finally got to some more questing, so I hit up Talador and eventually Shattrah City, well docks anyway…

Bashing Some Iron Horde
Bashing Some Iron Horde

Wait, what?

Screen Shot 2015-02-09 at 9.37.29 pmShattrah has docks, I don’t remember that from last time I was here.

Well there are, and one of the Orc Lords, Blackhand was here. Fought him but the battle was finished by this Draenai and Durotan.

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But to be honest, I think he got away.

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At the end of all this I dinged 95.  🙂

WoW – here we are 94.

94! And I got this leather thing working now too. Just gotta Pokemon some more Clefthoof!

So time to do some questing…. I am actually finding that this Garrison thing is slowing even my usual glacial levelling – I keep having to return there to park Mabaho for the evening.

So I followed some of the quests from within the Garrison. These had me headed to Talador. Looks like I’ve levelled past Gorgrond already.

The time also meant a chance to LFG, so after about 20 mins one popped. Iron Docks. First time here and seemed like I was on the lower end of the scale so I picked up some good gear here. Added to the gear from my Followers, it’s going well.

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Out of the dungeon it was time to hand in some quests around Talador.

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Found just about the smallest Inn I’ve seen.

Before it was time to head back to the Garrison to set it up for the weekend work.

WoW – Trapping

After the mail and leather working revelation last week I was busy out in the back of the garrison trying to trap some clefthoof. I spent quite a while laying the traps and working the beasts into them. Nothing worked.

A read of Icy Veins, I needed to watch out for walking on the trap.

A pile more clefthoof fell without success.

“Guildies help!” More tips, and it turns out that the clefthoof that are right behind the garrison aren’t trappable. Of course, because that would be too easy 😦

The guildies also mentioned a bunch up by the ogre castle so off I headed.

This worked a lot better, though it wasn’t always a sure thing. Ghost Wolf came in handy for manoeuvring about the trap and the mob, and soon I had a bunch of Leathery Caged somethings. I’ll see how this goes for the next stage.

Though I think I have to replace something in the Garrison as I don’t have a Leather Worker.

Might get rid of the Enchanter’s, Dasal might be able to do that later anyway.

WoW – Tunnels

Hey Tacky, here’s a tunnel, lol

Screen Shot 2015-01-21 at 9.21.22 pmFound it.

Also discovered that things had changed a little since about….. Burning Crusade… did you  know that Leather Workers made Mail items? Seriously? How does that happen.

So I built a barn, as then I can get mail items.

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I also started questing proper in Gorgrond. Was wandering about and decided to pummel this guy.

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Of course, later I had to kill him again for a quest. Approaching 94 now. Bit tired to quest tonight.

WoW – slow progress

Well slowly but surely I’ve been moving along. I’ve picked up a couple more followers and have been slowly levelling them up. I will laugh when I have a team of people who are all level 100 working for me.

I do like the Orc photobombing in the background.
I do like the Orc photobombing in the background.

Yes, I discovered that I could meet my followers if I wandered about the Garrison.

In my wanders I also discovered the mine. A couple of quests later and I had the mine open and some ore for the Forge I had built.


Mabaho is up level 92 now. I’ve also had my first invasion which seemed to go alright. I hope the next is a simple.