Hey…. Are you in THE FROSTWOLVES?

Here I was about to fight the rat-bunny thing in a LFD run on Dasal, when I get that in party chat… I thought they were asking if I was in the Orc clan Frostwolves, you know the one in the new expac, like maybe I was a dev or something?

“My guild has been called that for about 8 years” I answered. I figured that would make it clear I wasn’t a dev, but maybe if they had heard of the guild make it also clear I wasn’t in a copycat guild or something (is that even possible). Come on, I’m not on the raid team in the Frosties, whoever would have heard of me.

“OMG I love the blog!”

Ha ha, now I knew what was going on. I had met a fan of Navi’s blog,

“Navi, I’ve met a fan of your’s” I posted in gchat.

So the fight was a bit rough as we attempted to fight, not die and also figure out what we were talking about. In the end I promised to hang about after the fight for pics.

The run had been interesting already, as the first healer had left and Dasal tried to take up the slack while still in Shadow spec. I do have Holy spec but I haven’t sorted out the buttons since I changed the UI. I managed to heal through the first boss, the big Hozen, but failed miserably on the rat-bunny. Too many other people getting damaged (like me). We died.

Then just as a new healer arrived the above conversation started.

Totemic was pretty excited to meet a guildie of Navi, She credits Navi with getting her into blogging. She even reads this blog mentioning a the previous post “Weak Spot in the Clouds” which to be honest I didn’t remember writing. Just checked now, it was only 5 posts again… oh dear my memory! (Hey Totemic, if you read this, there’s a vid on Youtube to match that post) [Yeah, that’s a subtle way to get more views, lol]

Oh, glad I took a picture too 🙂


And I promised to let Navi know and said goodnight after I found her blog. I like her guild name too, <Potential Unleashed>. It was also interesting to see an Elemental specced Shammy at work after so long running Mabaho as Enhance.

Oh, Dasal is 87 now. Not far to go.

Author: Mabaho

I'm a married dad who likes to ride my motorbike and if I ever find the time, to play computer games. This blog started out as just WoW, but has moved onto a whole lot of different things.

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